Students Competitions
Event Name:MechAura-2023
Event Description:5th position in India, 1L Cash Prize and Job offer.

Event Name:AERO MANIA 2023
Event Description:First and 2nd prize in AERO MANIA 2023 conducted AESI in RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru.

Event Name:Best Project of the Year-2022
Event Description:Best Project of the Year-2022, KSCST at VTU.

Event Name:MechAura-2020
Event Description:Shreya Giri, student of 3rd year, has owned a cash prize of 1,00,000/- (One Lakh Rupees) and an assured job offer in the competition “MechAura-2020” conducted by Collins Aerospace.

Event Name:Smart India hackathon 2019
Event Description:Ravi Maurya and Nayan Ganguli 1st place in Smart India hackathon 2019.

Event Name:AAKRUTI 2019
Event Description:Ravi Maurya, student of 4th year, has designed a Modular Myoelectric Prosthetic Arm by using the Whiffletree mechanism and got placed in the top 10 finalists in India at AAKRUTI 2019 competition.

Event Name: GATE 2023
Event Description:Three students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering have been qualified GATE 2023 examination.

Event Name: GATE 2022
Event Description:Two students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering have been qualified GATE 2022 examination.

Event Name: GATE 2020
Event Description:Five students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering have been quaified GATE 2020 examination.

Event Name:National Aerospace Conceptual Design Competition
Event Date: 20.08.2022
Event Description:Event Description: Third Year students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering - Team PAND-UAV- of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru, has successfully completed the final round of National Aerospace Conceptual Design Competition (NACDeC-V) - Water Scooping Amphibian Aircraft for Fire-fighting (WaSAAF) organised by The Aeronautical Society of India Design Division & Mumbai Branch between October 2021 - August 2022.
This team was one of the top 5 teams selected for the final event. The team was guided by Dr. Ramaseshan Satagopan, Professor, Dept. of AE, DSCE.

Event Name: Awarded with Best project of the Year: 2021-2022 in the state level Seminar and Exhibition
Event Date: 12.08.2022
Event Description:final year students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering, DAYANANDA SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, BENGALURU, is awarded with Best project of the Year: 2021-2022 in the state level Seminar and Exhibition held at Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi
This project participated in the 45th Series of (2021-22) Student Project Programme (SPP) and completed the project titled HELIUM-ASSISTED HYBRID DRONE FOR FLIGHT TIME ENHANCEMENT under the guidance of Dr. SRIKANTH SALYAN.
This program is supported by Department of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka and Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Event Name: Course completion
Event Date: 16.07.2022
Event Description:Veeresh. S. Hiremalh has completed the training requirements for participation in Stardust@home, dedicated to finding the interstellar dust particles brought to Earth by the Stardust spacecraft.

Event Name: Inter collegiate fest
Event Date: 15/03/2022
Event Description:Pramath Bharadwaj B S 3rd semester Aeronautical Student has won 1st prize in Pitch Perfect at Scintillation 2022 held at Jyoti Nivas College.

Event Name: Best Project Award
Event Date: 19.07.2021
Event Description:Ms. Shreya G, Ms. Vinutha G and Ms. Isha G, the students of 8th semester, Aeronautical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, have won the best project award in the Karnataka Science and Technology Academy sponsored Symposium cum Project Exhibition on Recent Advances in Engineering Science, conducted by SJC Institute of Technology. Over 150+ abstracts were received from all over Karnataka and other states, amongst which this team emerged as the Winner, and were also awarded with a cash prize.These students had presented their 8thSemester Academic project work "Investigation and Development Of Distributed Propulsion UAV" under the guidance of Mr. Suresh P. This project was also funded by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) during the academic year: 2020-2021

Event Name: Project Open Day-2021
Event Date: 16.07.2021
Event Description:Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering had organized a virtual project Exhibition " DSCE-Project Open Day-2021". The details of the Best Project Award, Best Innovative Project and Best Project of social relevance are provided are as follows.

Event Name: "AERO-EXPO 2021
Event Date: 27.07.2021
Event Description:Three project batches of 8th Semester Aeronautical Engineering have participated in AERO-EXPO 2021" a National Level Project Competition and Exhibition,organized by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, NMIT, Bengaluru. One batch has secured 2nd Prize and two batches have secured 3rd Prize in the event.

Event Name: GATE 2021
Event Description:Six students of Department of Aeronautical Engineering have been quaified GATE 2021 examination.

Team Arcis is the official Aero-Design Team of Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering. Founded in 2013. This team will design and build the RC airplanes based on the design constraints of SAE International and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Design, Build and Fly competitions. During the current year, the Team Arcis has yet once again proved that they are the best Aerodesign team in the country and now in the world!!
The Team Arcis has bagged the following international awards during the academic year 2020-2021.
- Achievement in SAE-Aero-Design Events
The SAE Aero Design competition is a real‐world design challenge designed to compress a typical aircraft development program. SAE Aero Design is a series of competitive aerospace and mechanical engineering events held in the United States and Brazil every year. It is conducted by SAE International. It is generally divided into three categories: Regular class, advanced class and Micro class. Each team is judged on three categories: Oral presentation, written report, and flight performance.
Team Arcis started in 2013 to nurture student talent and innovation. Since then, Team Arcis has been participating in the SAE Aero Design events and have continually grown to become the best, holding the title of India's Leading Aero Design Team since 2015.
During the current academic year, 2020-2021, Team Arcis has bagged 1st Position for Design Standings and 2nd Position for Technical Design Presentation, internationally. This achievement has come in face of stiff competition from premiere and reputed universities such as Georgia Tech, MIT, Cornell University and many other prestigious universities from different parts of the globe.

- Achievement in AIAA DBF event
Design/Build/Fly, or DBF, is a radio-controlled aircraft competition sponsored by the American institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Cessna Aircraft Company, and Raytheon Missile Systems. The competition is intended to challenge the AIAA student branches of each university to design, build, and fly a remote-controlled airplane that can complete specific ground and flight missions. Additionally, the teams are required to submit a comprehensive design report detailing the most important aspects of their designs. Student teams will design, fabricate, and demonstrate the flight capabilities of an unmanned, electric powered, radio-controlled aircraft which can best meet the specified mission profile.
During the current academic year, 2020-2021, Team Arcis has bagged 1st Position for overall performance and 3rd Position for Technical Design Report, internationally. This achievement has come in face of stiff competition from premiere and reputed universities such as University central Florida, The Ohio state University, Georgia Institute of Technology, MIT, Cornell University and many other prestigious universities from different parts of the globe. In addition, AIAA-DBF has also announced a cash prize of $3000 for the winner.

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