Industry conclave
Industry Conclave - 2021
The “Engineering Conclave – 2021” was held on 07th August 2021 in virtual mode by the motivation of Dr. C.P.S Prakash, Principal, DSCE. The inaugural function was done in zoom platform. Dr. Prathik Jain welcomed the chief guest and other faculty members, Dr. Hareesha NG, Prof and Head gave a welcome speech followed by the presentation about department and curriculum of 2017, 2018 and 2019 batch. The external chief guest and internal faculty members gave the valuable inputs for the further strengthening of the syllabus. Chief guest gave his overall opinion about the engineering conclave and appreciated the efforts of the college to involve the industry people to finetune the curriculum. Some of the glimpses of the event are shown below.

Industry Conclave - 2020
The “Engineering Conclave – 2020” was held on 07th March 2020. The objectives of the Conclave are: 1) To fine-tune engineering syllabus to meet industry requirements, 2) To understand industry expectations and scale up further, 3) To understand and update with changing industry practices, 4) To bridge the skill gap. An Industry expert Mr. Shrinivas Jawahar, Aerospace Engineer with over 33 years of experience in Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India attended this conclave and the following Salient Inputs/Suggestions were made by the him
- • Include topics related to Aircraft Production such as welding and 3D printing in Aircraft production technology.
- • Latest technologies used for composite materials to be included.
- • To make the course more practical oriented.
- • Include core courses in the Aerospace design.