Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI)
Inauguration of AeSI Aero Club Student Chapter
AeSI is founded on December 27, 1948. Aims and Scope of the Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies are intended to reflect the objective of the Aeronautical Society of India. The objective of the Society is to promote the advancement and dissemination of the knowledge of aeronautical sciences and aircraft engineering as well as elevation of the aeronautical profession.
Over the years, the Society has grown into a major professional body in the field of aeronautics, aviation & aerospace. The Society has 16 branches at all the important centers of aviation in the counter viz. Agra, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Chennai, Goa, Hyderabad, Kanpur, Kochi, Mumbai, Nasik, Nagpur, Pune, New Delhi, Sunabeda & Trivuvananthapuram. Society also has Journal Division and CFD Division at Bangalore.
AeSI-Aero Club Students’ Chapter is established by Department of Aeronautical Engineering, DSCE. The program was inaugurated by Sri V BALAKRISHNAN Vice Chairman, AeSI, CEO, MTAL & Former Executive Director, HAL. In the presence of Shri GALISWAMY Secretary, DSI, Dr. C P S PRAKASH Principal, DSCE Dr D R RAMESH BABU Vice Principal, DSCE Dr H RAMAKRISHNA Vice Principal, DSCE. On 21ST OCTOBER 2016.
The objectives of the AeSI – Aero Club student chapter:
- To interact with the Engineers and Scientists from the Premier Institutes, R&D establishments and Industries who are Members and Fellow Members of the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI).
- In the department level, to arrange invited expert lectures, seminars, workshops, and FDP programs.
- To arrange industrial visits with the support of AeSI.
- To encourage the students to participate in the technical events conducted at AeSI campus and other organizations conducted in association with AeSI.
Webinars given by AeSI members
“ An overview on Aircraft Structural Design & Development with Career guidance”
Topic: “An overview on Aircraft Structural Design & Development with Career guidance”
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering had organized a webinar on the topic:An overview on Aircraft Structural Design & Development with Career guidance The speaker for the webinar was Sri Girish K E, Co- Founder & Director BAIL, Bengaluru
Date of Lecture: 17.07.2021
![Invited Talk](/images/aero/news/asdd.jpg)
“ Converting Prototype into a Startup”
Topic: “Converting Prototype into a Startup”
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar College ofEngineering, has organised a webinar on the topic "Converting Prototype into a Startup"on 25.05.2021.Resource person: Dr. Jayakumar Singaram Independent Consultant & Founding Member of Rinanu Technology, Epigon Media Technology, Piitech system and GPTL, Bengaluru
Date of Lecture: 25/05/2021
![Invited Talk](/images/aero/news/proto.jpg)
“ Few key engineering issues in aero engine design and development”
Topic: “Few key engineering issues in aero engine design and development”
Department of Aeronautical Engineering has organized a webinar on the topic “Few key engineering issues in aero engine design and development" on 29.04.2021. Resource person for the webinar was Dr. K Ramachandra, Ex-director, Gas Turbine Research and Establishment, DRDO, Government of India.
Date of Lecture: 29.04.2021
![Invited Talk](/images/aero/news/ramc.jpg)